* you're so pretty, such a must-see, dress yourself in jealousy

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - sorting hat ,

welcome to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. first year or new arrival? when new students arrive at hogwarts, the first thing that happens is the sorting. find school rules and guidelines here, as well as terms to familiarize yourself with. any wizarding information you may need can be found here. house information is vital to your stay here. hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding community, so you've got nothing to fear.

4 4 PLOT ,
by LEX
Oct 10, 2009 22:21:26 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - daily prophet ,

the daily prophet is the largest, most well-known wizarding newspaper. news within the wizarding world and muggle world can be found here, as well as school announcements. have a suggestion or comment? post it here. activity checks will also be posted here. activity checks will happen about once a month or so. developments of the site will be here for your eyes.

by LEX
Nov 15, 2009 12:54:35 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - the ministry ,

the ministry of magic, the government of the wizarding world. this board is strictly for admin only. want in? no dice. it's basically where we keep track of things like codes, or discuss things privately when we're too lazy to msn. it's nothing special, i promise. consider this the ministry of the forum, except this is more of a democracy.

2 2
No New Posts - - - canons ,

too many years have gone by for any of the original characters to be on the site, but not enough years have gone by for their children to be on the site. however, there are still important characters to be played on the site. here are all the "premades" that we absolutely adore. make sure you claim your canon once the application has been accepted. also, make sure that if you make an original character, the playby is not already a canon.

by LEX
Oct 11, 2009 21:37:40 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - biographies ,

have you read up on the site and registered? fantastic! now it's time to make a character. whether it be an original or a canon, you must post your applications here. you can find the template inside, of course. if your application is not complete, make sure you mark it as so. all apps should have the subject: LAST, name middle, in that format. we like keeping things neat. please respect that.

Sub-board: - - - declined ,

4 4 HUCKLEN, eammon rowan [nd]
by eammon rowan hucklen
Nov 29, 2009 16:23:14 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - the files ,

all accepted applications will be moved here into a locked thread. accepted applications are sorted by house and staff. you can always come back and check an app, but you will not be allowed to edit it.

[/color] - 007[/color] - 003[/color] - 004[/color] - 003[/color][/blockquote]

Sub-boards: - - - gryffindors ,, - - - hufflepuffs ,, - - - ravenclaws ,, - - - slytherins ,, - - - staff members ,

25 51 MOORE, persephone korrie [revived]
by persephone korrie moore
Nov 21, 2009 15:18:19 GMT -5

* self appointed gift from above, you would make a killin'

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - sign ups ,

the second your character gets accepted, this is where you need to go. or at least, this is where you should go. please claim your playby as soon as possible. if your playby is not claimed, someone else might win the right to use that face. you can also claim ranks, positions and staff jobs here. lots of stuff to claim, but don't do it 'til you're accepted please. wrap all posts in and out of code.

4 5 ARMIES ,
by LEX
Oct 11, 2009 15:06:42 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - relationships ,

so, those long colorful things with lines and line of lyrics go here. basically, this is where you do all your plotting unless you would rather do it privately. need a certain character? a brother? a lover? post in the requests and see who comes your way. sometimes its good to check their before you make a character. everyone should post a plot page for their character. plots make things fun.

Sub-boards: - - - plotting ,, - - - requests ,

by persephone korrie moore
Nov 25, 2009 3:50:56 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - owlry ,

hogwarts doesn't do email, or texting, or things that muggles do. we go by old-fashioned carrier pigeons, except, our pigeons are owls and they're much more moody and demanding. got something to say? a note to write? a howler to send? the owlry is full of students' birds and school birds.

5 155 dear mason ,
by mason sebastian knight.
Nov 6, 2009 21:05:16 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - baby skeeter ,

i'm sure you all remember rita skeeter, the infamous reporter who spent most of her time bashing harry potter? well, she's got a daughter that just happens to be lurking around hogwarts. naturally, her last name is different, so no one can figure out who she is. but she's here. and she's watching. and she's publishing everything. nothing gets past her, especially since she has minions running all over the school for her. nothing's a secret anymore.

3 3 bathroom wall.
by bbyskeeter
Oct 27, 2009 12:37:14 GMT -5

* well, i hate who you've become, i don't know you anymore

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - gryffindor tower ,

located on the seventh floor behind the portrait of the fat lady is the gryffindor tower, where the brave of heart dwell. careful boys, the girls' dormitories are bewitched so you can't get up there. no matter what. girls, however, are allowed in the boys' dormitories. this is the home of the courageous gold and scarlet lion. if you are not a gryffindor, it's pretty much impossible to get in unless sir nicholas is on duty again.

Sub-boards: - - - boys dormitories ,, - - - girls dormitories,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - hufflepuff house ,

located behind a still life painting near the kitchens is the home of the just and loyal hufflepuffs. decorated in extreme gold black garmets, this house definitely has some spirit. these badgers are honest and true to their word. the house is located at dungeon level, but is as far away as possible from the potions area, where those serpents hang out.

Sub-boards: - - - boys dormitories ,, - - - girls dormitories ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - ravenclaw tower ,

located on the west side of the castle, high up in a tower, is home of the royal blue ravenclaws, where those ful of wit and intelligence lay. the door is located at the top of a spiriling staircase, but the only thing on it is a talking eagle that'll ask you a question that must be answered correctly. there's not conventional password here. prove you're a raven by proving your intelligence.

Sub-boards: - - - boys dormitories ,, - - - girls dormitories ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - slytherin dungeons ,

located in the depths of the cold, dark, moist dungeons are the serpents of the school, or the slytherins, if you will. these are the power hungry, green and silver, maniacal students of the school. if you don't belong here, don't get caught here, or you're pretty much a goner. snakes, after all, are quite the merciless creatures. the dorms are located under the lake, with low ceilings and a faint greenish glow around everything.

Sub-boards: - - - boys dormitories ,, - - - girls dormitories ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

* this ain't gonna last forever so come on back down my way

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - entrance hall ,

welcome to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry! two vast oak doors will grant you entrance to the school. the ceiling is so high that you can barely see it. along the side you've got your house point hourglasses. the marble stairs will take you where you want to go. this is a common hangout place between meals and classes. careful though, the ghosts like to lurk here after hours.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - great hall ,

you might lose track of time here, gazing up at the ceiling that mirrors the sky, no matter the whether or time of day. there are four long tables, each designated for a specific house. this is where students eat and all assemblies are held. the professors all sit at the high table in the front of the room. and don't forget about the antechamber. the entrance is located just beyond the high table. good luck getting in there without a teacher catching you.

1 1 - - it's worth fighting for ,
by mollie harper dulce.
Nov 27, 2009 18:58:34 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - corridors ,

the paintings can see everything you do, and they're not afraid to tattle. plus you never know who's lurking inside that suit of armor or where that passage way behind the statue is going to take you. it isn't uncommon to find a couple in a broom cupboard or someone sneaking through the forbidden corridor on the third floor. oh yeah, and the moving staircases like to pull pranks on first years.

Sub-boards: - - - classrooms ,, - - - forbidden corridor ,

2 2 { don't pass me by }
by briseis mariah daring.
Oct 27, 2009 19:45:13 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - library ,

need a book on a certain subject? the library probably has it, considering it's got thousands of books on everything imaginable. the books are enchanted to prevent theft and defacing, and some of them are uncooperative. the library closes at eight each night. you can only get into the restricted section if you have a signed note from a teacher, otherwise, it's near impossible. there's also an 'invisiblity' section that focuses on dragons, but it's fairly impossible to find. good luck.

1 3 , sparks fly
by stella faye maelstrom.
Nov 26, 2009 22:42:55 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - bathrooms ,

the bathrooms aren't that much different from other bathrooms. there are stalls for toilets, a circular area of sinks, and they're usually kept very clean. nearly everyone in the school avoids moaning myrtle's bathroom for two reasons. first, she's moaning myrtle and no one wants to listen to her talk or complain. second, it's not a secret anymore that the chamber of secrets can be entered through the bathroom. and despite the fact that there are dozens of protective enchantments to keep students from getting in or anything from getting out, students still fear it. the only ones who bother with it are the evil ones.

Sub-boards: - - - boys bathroom ,, - - - girls bathroom ,, - - - prefect bathroom ,, - - - moaning myrtle's ,

by imogen ellis waller.
Oct 28, 2009 7:52:24 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - hospital wing ,

with rows and rows of beds covered in white linens, it's pretty much like any hospital, even the muggle ones. except the nurse here can painfully heal broken bones, make cuts vanish, and pretty much heal you fairly quickly. privacy screens are optional, but can make any bed private towards others in the room. visitors aren't allowed past eight at night unless they are a relative. lights go out around nine for the sick especially.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - towers ,

you can't access the ravenclaw or gryffindor towers from here, but you can access the astronomy tower. a large spiraling staircase winds up directly above the front of the castle into what is known as the astronomy tower, where those classes are held. if you know where you're going, you might stumble across the headmaster's office, although that happens to be one of the most heavily guarded passwords in the school. finally, there's the west tower, where you'll find the owlry.

Sub-boards: - - - astronomy tower ,, - - - headmaster's tower ,, - - - west tower ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - dungeons ,

the dungeons are a cold, wet, dark place where the slytherins like to hang out. in fact, their common room is down here somewhere, but its just about impossible to find, so you won't be getting in through here. the dungeons are also a maze of cave-like caverns where trolls and other various creatures like to hang out. make sure you've got your wand at the ready, my friends.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

* this ain't gonna last, nobody should want you, will want you back

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - courtyard ,

the courtyard is where students prefer to hang out on nice days. this pretty much includes the lawn of the school and anywhere outside. in between classes and after classes end, students meet up here with their friends or pull a prank or two on teh first years. teachers don't hang out here often because they like to stay out of the students' ways.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - quidditch pitch ,

if you're on the quidditch team, you know that no matter what the weather is like, you're going to be outside practicing in the quidditch pitch. the games are never cancelled and all houses are welcome to attend no matter who is playing. when practices or games aren't going on, the pitch is deserted. it makes a very good place for secret parties get togethers. on the day of the quidditch cup, everyone comes down from the school, teachers and students alike, to see who the champion will be. just don't get caught snogging under the bleachers.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - the whomping willow ,

the whomping willow is a very valuable, very violent tree that has grown on an isolate portion of the property in order to ensure safety of the students. the willow will immediately attack anyone that comes within range and doesn't have mercy for anyone. however, you can use a certain spell to freeze the branches for a temporary amount of time or if you run fast enough, you can press a certain knot on the tree that will soothe it for a few moments. only a few are aware of the secret passage opening under the roots of the tree that leads to the shrieking shack.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - the forbidden forest ,

students aren't allowed anywhere near the forbidden forest, although not many actually follow that rule. the smart ones stay away, but the students who can't resist tempation always end up back in the hospital wing with a few burns or cuts. what could they be from? one of the different creatures looking in the wooded area. if you're lucky, you'll come across a unicorn or two. go back deep enough and you'll find a huge spider's nest. there's rumors of a dragon lurking in the trees, along with a herd of centaurs that aren't always that friendly.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - the lake ,

the lake just happens to be home of the giant squid, so most people tend to avoid going for a night swim. merpeople are rumored to live in the lake as well. not many students make it a habit to go swimming in the the lake, only because no one knows exactly what is hidden beneath its surface. you want to try? go for it. let us know how that works out for you.

1 3 - - changing it up for you.
by felicity lenore descry.
Oct 27, 2009 19:43:15 GMT -5

* destiny's an open map so tell me baby, where's your head at?

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - secret passages ,

it's totally impossible for one person to know all of hogwart's secrets, and the secret passages just happen to be one of the values. there are dozens, probably hundreds, of passages around the school that even the founders didn't know about. the passages can take you anywhere from the whomping willow to the shrieking shack or the second floor bathroom to hogsmeade. who knows what you'll find.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - room of requirement ,

the room of requirement's known entrance is somewhere on the seventh floor, however, only those who truly need it can access it. when you need something, it will provide it for you. to make the room appear, one must walk by the correct wall three times whilst concentrating on what is needed the most.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - mirror of erised ,

the room in which the mirror of erised is in is located behind a suit of armor just past the restricted section of the library. not many know of this room, and most people who find it happen to stumble across it randomly. the mirror was originally locked away in the forbidden corridor of the third floor, but rumors are spreading that it's back in it's original spot nowadays. this mirror will expose your truest desires and dreams, but not necessarily what will come true.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - chamber of secrets ,

after the chamber of secrets had been opened for the second time in 1992, it was sealed with thousands of protective spells, enchantments, and curses towards any who would try to reopen it for fear of what else could be lurking down there. staff have tried to keep the whereabouts unknown towards all students. however, the only ones who can open it are those who might speak parseltongue and who have stumbled across it. note, the chamber of secrets board is password protected and can only be opened when given special permission from lex.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

* it sells the show, you're thinking you're changing the world

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - hogsmeade ,

hogsmeade is the only entirely wizarding village in britain, and it was founded just around the same time hogwarts was. it is home to many shops and pubs that are accessible to hogwarts students. only students in their third year or older are allowed to visit hogsmeade. the hogwarts express train station is located here as well. the little village is practically picturesque and is absolutely adorable during the holidays.

Sub-boards: - - - the hog's head tavern ,, - - - honeyduke's sweetshop ,, - - - the three broomsticks ,, - - - madam puddifoot's ,, - - - the shrieking shack ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - diagon alley,

tapping just the right brick in the wall behind the leaky cauldron in london will reveal an archway which is a portal into diagon alley, a long cobbled street where is to be found a strange and exciting assortment of shops and restaurants. it is unquestionably the hub of commerce in the british wizarding world, with virtually every wizarding business stationed there.

Sub-boards: - - - flourish and blott's ,, - - - florean fortescue's ice cream parlour ,, - - - gringott's wizarding bank ,, - - - magical managerie ,, - - - weasley's wizarding wheezes ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - knockturn alley ,

just around the corner from diagon alley lies a dark, twisting alleyway devoted to the dark arts, better known as knockturn alley. not only are the wares sold here a bit dodgy, but the wizards hanging around behave fairly suspiciously as well. from the shops and the street vendors one can purchase, among other things, shrunken heads, poisonous candles, human-looking fingernails, and flesh-eating slug repellent.

Sub-board: - - - borgin and burke's ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - london ,

london is highly populated with muggles, but little do they know that wizards and witches walk among them. from kings cross station, students will board the hogwarts express at platform 9 3/4. the leaky cauldron, invisble to the muggles, will bring witches and wizards into diagon alley. amongst the businesses of london is the ministry of magic, or the government of the wizarding world.

Sub-boards: - - - st. mungo's hospital ,, - - - kings cross station ,, - - - leaky cauldron ,, - - - ministry of magic ,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - the world ,

the best part of being a wizard is that you can pretty much go anywhere you want whenever you want as quickly as you want. feel free to visit other places in the world. maybe you want to see the dragon's in egypt or visit another wizarding school in russia. don't let us stop you, go wherever you please.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

* you're so shallow, got those looks though, on his face

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - - plug ,

post your advertisements or request an affiliation here. please post in the correct area. we only accept proboards and invisionfree ads.

Sub-boards: - - - virgins ,, - - - whores ,, - - - affiliate ,

238 240 Oath to Order: A Steampunk/Legend of Zelda RP
by Nightmare Darklight
Apr 16, 2010 23:56:18 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - talk ,

your random shananigans go here :3 wanna chat? introduce yourself? play a few in-character games? you can do all of that here.

Sub-boards: - - - introductions ,, - - - games ,, - - - graphics ,

10 101 OUT OF TEN.
by stella faye maelstrom.
Nov 1, 2009 21:59:54 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - goodbye's ,

leaving so soon? please at least let us know. whether you're taking a long weekend away from technology or you're leaving for good, please let us know.

1 2 busybusybusy
by rocco ville linnakivi.
Nov 8, 2009 20:56:30 GMT -5
No New Posts - - - spotlight ,

of the month nominations and voting will be done here when the time comes. only one vote per person, not per account.

voting will begin on: november 15.

voting will end on: november 18

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - - archives ,

dead threads will be moved here.

by LEX
Nov 15, 2009 12:51:28 GMT -5


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